element 06


Disclaimer :
The content provided in this training is strictly for educational purposes and is not intended to be advice or recommendation of any kind whatsoever. All trainees are requested to seek independent and expert opinion before acting on anything mentioned in this training. The trainee will be solely liable/ responsible for any decision taken by him and the company won't be held responsible for any Mis-communication, Mis-information or any action taken by an individual or group based on this training. The training programs are only to create awareness and educating investors about the subject matter. The views and opinion expressed on this subject are company owner's personal experience, interpretation based on his research and is not an investment advice or recommendation whether to buy, sell or hold. All investors are advice to consult their investment advisor, certified financial planner or conduct their own independent research before taking any decision. The Company will not be responsible for any loss or implications arising out of any decision taken by the trainee after completing his training. We are not SEBI register, only NISM certified which is approved by SEBI. Please consult your financial advisor before acting on it.
All company, Brand, Stocks, service and product names mention in this training are trademarked of their respective holders or individual parent companies.

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